Friday, March 13, 2009

Senekane "Semy" Ralebitso

Q: Who is Semy and when were you magnetized to poetry?
Semy is basically just a simple guy who hails from Khubetsoana was nicknamed Semy in high school. I actually fell in love with poetry by default in 2003. That is to say initially I hated poetry but was constantly bombarded by powerful serious life issues. That being the case I attempted to gain control over those emotions and issues by writing short stories but eventually found myself writing poetry.

Q: Who helped you to strengthen your knees and ligaments in poetry during your infant stage?
Two people helped me during that stage. The first one is Mr. sephoko Motelle who ismy reviewer and editor .He played a very pivotal role in modeling me. As a mature poet he took me through an extensive journey which introduced me to types and forms of poetry and how to effectively express myself. The second person is a fellow poet and friend of mine by the name of Chromate Bahlakoana who likewise fuelled and propelled my rocket of growth in poetry.

Q: How do you choose to define poetry?
For me poetry is the emotion blending with thought.

Q: Your local top three poets?
Wow! I wish I could you five but….. my number one poet is ‘Makuena “IVY” Mohola, number two, Ma-lord “ICE” Mefane and lastly Sechaba “LYRICAL BACTERIA” Keketsi.

Q: And your favorite international poets
My favorite international poets would be Mac Manaka, Fifi, Black Pearl and The coasters.

Q: According to you what is the state of poetry in Lesotho?
It is only now things are starting to happen in poetry and I am not even sure if people are aware as much us who are in the metropolitan vicinity are about that but generally in Maseru there is awareness about the presence of poetry in the country. I am not sure about other districts.

Q: Where has Semy performed thus far?
I have not really done many performances but I have at least performed at Ka-pitseng Lodge, at the ultimate f.m number of times now and at one school in ha Pita.

Q: Who have you worked with up until now and which projects have you participated in?
Thus far I have written extensively with Bahlakoana and Knowledge, have contributed to the WEEKLY MAIL Poets paradise and participate in the Poets Paradise Male Poets project. I have also together with two other fellow poets formed a group called Poet Alive Crew (P.A.C.). The group is made up of me, Knowledge and Bones. It is basically an entrepreneurial, inspirational and motivational poetry group. I have also contributed my poetry in the Immortal Verses project.

Q: What do you think there is to learn from the poetry sphere in our neighboring country South Africa?
Unity. I think their unified state has done great wonders for them hence they have been able to successfully implement poetry projects and hold successful poetry shows.

Q: Where do you see yourself in five years to come?
I see myself having published three poetry anthologies and also owning a publishing house which will help to uplift poetry in the country in many ways.

Q: Your last words….
It is time for action.

[Adapted from Poetry Farm’s Poets Blog in the WEELY MAIL NEWSPAPER, vol. 02 issue 31]