Saturday, January 31, 2009


First of all, let me thank the almighty God for the opportunity he has given to us to serve him in this world with poetry! Daddy, it's an honour! And to everyone who's wondering how we made to where we are today, and are still growing stronger, and will never die, guys, the straight forward and honest truth is, it's all because of God! Poetry Farm is not just something formed out of a personal instict to be famous, but it's a calling! Word!
Now to you, our friend, since it's a word we choose over fan, thank you for visiting our blog, we hope you will find it very fruitful and you'll share your interests with us! We are truly humbled by what we have achieved thus far, and we know we wouldn't have made it here if it were not for you! Therefore, thank you very much for your support! Continue showing the love and support to others. We represent Lesotho, and are hoping to go international very soon, carrying the Lesotho brand with us, so help us God!!
We did it, and are still doing it in showbizz, introducing Inhouse Poetry Nights, Poetry festivals (Valley Breeze, Urban Poetry Buffet,...) and the likes, we went to radio and introduced the Poetry Forum on PC FM, then went to print media and introduced the Poetry Farm poetics on Varsity Breeze, and later the Poets' Blog on Weekly Mail, shoo!! we are on electronic media! We started by introducing the facebook page (if you haven't seen it, go ahead and check it please) and now blogspot, and hopefully, sometime next year, we'll be launching our official website as the whole CAT Farm family! This is the track of what we have done so far, in promoting poetry, and in this blog, we shall share with you our views on poetry, our poems, some of the outstanding articles from the Poetry Farm poetics, give you some words of courage and wisdom, so on and so forth, but most importantly, we shall interact with you! And that is our prime aim! So, welcome to our blogspot!! Hope you find it interesting.

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