Ever since female poets made their presence in the local poetry sphere felt with the likes of Poetry Farm’s Lineo Kolobe being on the front line more talented and creative female poets have come through to exhale to the poetry community what their hearts and creativity possess. In this issue Poets Blog brings you the love story between Black Diamond and poetry.
Q: Tell us about Black Diamond and when you started poetry?
A: Black Diamond is basically Ithabeleng Nthabane, an individual who got into poetry somewhere between 2002 and 2003 but did not go public with it until 2005 when I was invited to the Ultimate fm invited by Deeva.
Q: What actually attracted you to poetry?
A: I can’t really say what attracted me but what I know is that I had always liked poetry I was rather inspired to start writing poetry by Lineo Kolobe. We were in the same school with her and this other time she did a very fabulous performance so that is when I realized I could also make it as a poet.
Q: Having mentioned that you were inspired by Lineo Kolobe, who is your top three local poets and your favorite poets?
A: Internationally it has to be Lebo Mashile (not saying she is the only one I know) and locally I rather have four, namely; Swagger, Lineo Kolobe, Lyrical Bacteria and Refiloe.
Q: So, how do you choose to define poetry?
A: For me poetry is a spiritual gift, something you are born into and that you can use as therapy or remedy to a certain state of mind. You utilize it in moments of great sadness and even when you are happy, which ever state of mind you are into.
Q: What keeps you inspired as a poet?
A: Life. It is the experiences I go through in life that keep me going and keep my pen in constant movement.
Q: Has Black Diamond performed her poetry live?
A: Yes I have a number of times. At the Poetry Farm Poetry Buffet last year in June, at the Z-Digi’s mix tape launch in May and well at the Ultimate fm on Miss P’ poetry corner.
Q: Do you think you have grown poetically, as in content wise?
A: I have definitely grown. Back then when I started I was really immature you know I wrote mostly about fantasies but later on when growing I realized that there are more meaningful issues worth writing about and especially women issues although not saying I am a feminist.
Q: Who would you like to collaborate with and why?
A: I am planning to collaborate with Swagger because he is one of the energetic male poets and he is replete with sheer creativity. Also with Refiloe and Lineo Kolobe because I think they are poetically given and are strong female poets. Lastly Lyrical Bacteria because I like his style especially how he constructs his poetry in vernacular, so I would like to learn a thing or two from him.
Q: So do think collaborations are necessary in poetry?
A: They are very necessary. I think it is very difficult to taste success alone, I mean we need to work with each other. We cannot ignore the talent and creativity residing in each of us, hence I think collaboration is more of a laboratory where we meet as poetic scientists and brew growth for poetry.
Q: Where do you see Black Diamond in about two years from now?
A: I see myself having explored a lot of avenues, like fusing poetry with music and having done a lot of collaborations and anything that could bring growth to art in general in the country.